Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I got to meet an Apostle of God: Happy and Happier!!

Well this week was Awesome... Well, actually,  there were lots of learning experiences so it was super hard... but then I got to meet an Apostle (Elder L. Tom Perry) and life is super good.
 He. Is. Hilarious.
I love him.
I don't know him, but I love him.
 I forgot my notes at home or I'd tell you all the funny stories he told but I do remember this one:

 Whenever Elder Perry goes out to eat around the world when waiters come to fill up the coffee cup on the table he turns it over and say's "I don't drink coffee, because I'm a Mormon. Do you know any Mormons?" He then gives them his personal card and tells them to go ask the Mormon they know to tell them about the church and show them his card. They usually ask "will they know you?" and then the President of the Seventy said,  "If they're a good member they will!!"

 hahahaha they are all so sweet and funny. :D

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